Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg appeared on an MSNBC Town Hall on Monday moderated by anchor Chris Matthews. Buttigieg discussed post-incarceration voting rights, stating his belief that individuals, upon their release, should immediately regain their voting rights. But, he added, “I’m not there yet on when somebody’s still incarcerated.” Buttigieg also discussed Russia meddling, the recent tariffs imposed by President Trump, and abortion, calling for the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and promising to appoint judges who “share my view that freedom includes the freedom to make decisions about your own body.”
On the 3rd, President Trump began his three-day state visit to the UK discussing various issues including trade, climate change, and the recent Huawei ban. To read more click here.
Democratic candidate Joe Biden revealed his plan for climate change, establishing a goal for net zero emissions by 2050. In a Twitter post, Biden outlined the urgency behind his plan, saying that “We are in a climate emergency and we must take drastic action now to address it. So today, I’m announcing my plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice.” Your can read more about his plan here. Biden’s plan was received with open arms but also points of criticism, with many accusing him of plagiarising sections of it. Reports by various organizations found phrasings in Biden’s plan apparently identical or nearly identical to that of other organizations. In response, the Biden campaign stated that it had “inadvertently left out” “several citations” in the final version of the climate plan and have since updated the campaign website to include those sources.
Biden also phased criticism over his support of the Hyde Amendment which bars the use of federal funds to pay for abortion except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. An update on this statement was made on the 6th.
Several candidates took this opportunity to express their disdain for the amendment.
Elizabeth Warren spoke in a Town Hall on MSNBC on the 5th. She discussed various issues around the 2020 election, including a segment dedicated to answering questions from Trump supporters. To watch the full Town Hall, click here.
Republican candidate Bill Weld spoke on MSNBC regarding the statement from Robert Mueller last week. During the interview, Weld explained that he believes the House Judiciary Committee should launch an inquiry into the president, and that he has signed is name on a document co-signed by over 1000 federal prosecutors that expresses that the Mueller case is not closed. Weld made sure to emphasize that the “house should not take a vote,” on impeachment yet.
While visiting Ireland during his European visit, President Trump made the claim that the U.S. has the “cleanest air in the world” and is “setting records environmentally.” Based on an AP fact check, that is not the case. The full quote goes as follows:
TRUMP: “We have the cleanest air in the world in the United States, and it’s gotten better since I’m president. We have the cleanest water. It’s crystal clean and I always say I want crystal clean water and air. ... We’re setting records environmentally.”
In reality, the United States does not have the cleanest air, and it has not gotten better under Trump. But, research did find that the U.S. drinking water is among the best by one leading measure.
To read the whole fact check on these claims, click here.
On the 6th, President Trump spent the day celebrating the anniversary of the significant D-Day invasion of World War II that set the stage for an allied victory. In a speech, Trump commemorated the brave actions made by soldiers on this day. President Trump took part in the ceremony alongside several other world leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron. On the same day, President Trump signed the Disaster Aid Bill into effect, posting on instagram: Just signed Disaster Aid Bill to help Americans who have been hit by recent catastrophic storms. “So important for our GREAT American farmers and ranchers. Help for GA, FL, IA, NE, NC, and CA. Puerto Rico should love President Trump. Without me, they would have been shut out!”
Democratic candidate Seth Moulton announced his plan for the discharge of servicemen and women. In a post on Instagram, Moulton shared a clip from a CNN interview where he explained his hopes to restore the rights of LGBT veterans, commenting “My new plan will review & upgrade the 100,000+ servicemembers who have been less-than-honorably discharged since World War II for sexual orientation or “homosexual activity."
Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders shared his Thurgood Marshall plan for quality education. To read more on this plan, click here.